Engineering Memo Field and Field Install Memo Field
Griggs Nichols
Add two memo notes fields on the Product Description tab.
One for notes for Engineers/sales to consider when using a particular product, one for field install techs to see during install phase. (see example pic).
Since the information is important and can impact a devices use with in a project, it should be located in a high-visible location (like Product Description page) and not buried on another tab (like bottom of Custom Fields).
This would give a place for either Project specific notes to be added on a product-by-product basis, or for historical experiential knowledge to be shared among team members with regard to a specific product.
It seems pretty central to the core concept and pitch of SI as a platform. Additionally, it shouldn’t take much dev effort to implement (add a couple memo fields to the db, re-work a window layout, and finally build a couple simple sample reports). The amount of bang for buck on this is pretty high.
The addition of these two fields alone would have a drastic impact on design and install teams across the board and promotes design and field knowledge to all, thus reducing costs and errors, and increasing profit.
Eric Kalpakoff
I literally just added this as a request. We also want the ability to run a report on these fields like a check list.