Material Overhead, Labor Burden and Overhead calculations on Estimate
In SI, when estimating a project, there is currently no clean way to add overhead to materials before the mark up & Margin calculations. Same with Labor OH & Burden. Also Subcontractor Labor should be able to be treated as a different type of labor as there is overhead (usually a different percentage) but no burden to be calculated. Accounting 101.
Arin Lowery
These are critical tasks both on the sales and operations sides of the business.
Joel Hills
When it comes to business, I know that we are not the only company that calculates overhead this way. D-Tools and SI have always been very much about innovating, don't stop now. If one business can use this, there are a great deal of other future customers out there for your company that will see the need as well!
Robert A Hile
This is very critical to our operation and processes at GC&E. This needs to be done.