SI Calendar should show assigned resource for tasks and SOs
Kevin Frye
If you have the tasks showing at the bottom of the calendar, you can see resources. I would also encourage you to consider different calendar views and not merge them. Then each resource has their own calendar in the view. This works well but can be tricky if you have too many resources (unless you have a widescreen).
Eric Kalpakoff
Kevin Frye I'm trying to keep the "schedule" as clean and 'at-a-glance' as possible. Depending on how many tasks are listed down below, would be nice to be able to see 'at-a-glance who is assigned to what. On that same note, our organization uses a 'queue' for new quotes coming in which start as unassigned to any resource. When someone wraps up their tasks, they grab the next one from the queue. If would be nice to be able to clear all dates on a task vs. having it default to the date the task was created. We can add dates later. But it doesn't appear they need to be required for creating/saving a task. Similar to open service orders that haven't been assigned.
Nicole Niles
Eric Kalpakoff I agree 100%, especially for SOs we need to be able to see a running list of "open" items in the queue and be able to dispatch them as needed against resources in a calendar view, there isnt an easy way to do that currently. Right now we have to have our dispatcher have 2 SI accounts so that they can keep a filtered view of the open SOs on one computer and then work out of a second account on a different machine to assign SO / Tasks....