The Project Number is not available in item receipts reports.
Marcos De La Torre
Only the project name shows on the items receipt report. Project number is available in PO reports. But it does not populate the field in Items Receipt reports. We do create our own reports and there is no way to pull the Project number from the XML Database used to create the reports in the item receipt report).
Naresh Nichani
Naresh Nichani
Marcos DeLaTorre - This issue is fixed today. You need to update both your Client and Server to get this to work.
Version: 21.23.4650.0
To repeat this fix requires both SI Client and SI Server to be on 21.23.4650.0 or later.
Marcos De La Torre
Naresh Nichani Wow, Thank you.
Naresh Nichani
in progress
Naresh Nichani
Marcos DeLaTorre - Got it thanks. We will get this added and keep you posted.
Marcos De La Torre
Naresh Nichani I am not looking for the PO number. Please, try it. When you run an Item Receipt report, you can see the Project Name, but not the Project Number. We organize projects by Project Number and then Project Names. When we receive items from a PO, we print a report for the warehouse to organize everything and put it together with their respective projects. If you print the Item Receipt Report, there is no way to populate the Project Number Even if we create the report ourseleves - which we mostly do for them all - The field for project number does not come from the available data on the database. In the picture you can see the Project Number is not even available as a field. When you try the Sub-Report, it has 2 fields for the items: Project and Project Name, where "Project" where I was hoping to find the Project Number just does not populate anything. Hence this request was posted initially as a BUG and not as a "FEATURE REQUEST".
Marcos De La Torre
This is the version I am using...