Change order filtering is broken in the project editor.
Eric Kalpakoff
I am trying to ascertain why my internal change order for shop drawings is showing a non-zero balance. I open the internal CO from the project explorer on the change orders tab so I am only seeing the items on that change. When I get into the project, it is not displaying location totals correctly. For example, I had added a non-billable wire as an accessory to a TV. Rather than show a $0.00 total for that space, it showed the full amount of the display for the location total despite no changes in dollar amount. See attached pic. You can see the display is in the original BOM, yet the location total is showing as $3,110.00 the price of the display. This view is NOT showing approved items. But because the accessory was added to the original BOM item, it is showing a price for the location despite there being no changes in items with price.
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Naresh Nichani
Eric Kalpakoff - Can you try and uncheck "Include Child Items" and "Include Parent Items" - this will show items on the CO only with no parents and children and totals should be OK.
Eric Kalpakoff
Naresh Nichani That "helped" but something is still broken. Now I have managed to get all $0.00 on my project editor, but the CO still claims to have changes in price, see attached screen shot. All locations show $0.00, yet the project summary and the total for the CO in the project explorer show a credit of ($2.09).
Naresh Nichani
Eric Kalpakoff - The Project Editor does not show taxes in the Items view. You may be having different taxes on products and labor and that might be causing the issue.
Eric Kalpakoff
Naresh Nichani It wasn't taxes that was the issue. I ran a proposal report that showed equipment and labor separately, and found some items were incorrectly marked as NB and some were the opposite so labor was showing, which accounted for the additional $27 in items and debit ($27) in labor. It was weird because they were exactly the same amounts, but I think that was a coincidence. I assume that an item replace had the wrong check boxes checked during the replacement. Undo would be amazing BTW.
Truth be told, I still believe that the group totals could be done better. If you open a change order directly, the group totals in the project editor should only show differences from the original approved project, those are useful totals when working with COs. The items can/should still show values, but the group totals need to only show the changes. The fact that I had to un-check a view option to see that is clunky and honestly doesn't give you a complete picture. Troubleshooting this was nearly a day of wasted labor.