Searching discontinued products
Josh Nuske
If a product exists in the catalogue which has been discontinued or not approved, D-tools defaults to advising "there are no products in the catalogue and would you like to search the library". I realise you can add these definitions to the search.
It would be better to advise the user these are discontinued or unapproved in the first instance, rather than wasting time matching the product in the library (or even manually adding product).
help Lunwen
Choosing the right writing agency not only reduces academic stress, but also saves students time and energy so they can focus on other academic tasks and life matters. However, when choosing the proxy service, students should be careful to ensure that the institution they choose can provide high-quality services and comply with academic regulations to protect personal academic integrity and information security.
Kevin Frye
Josh Nuske Good call. Thanks for flagging this.
Josh Nuske
Kevin Frye: No worries Kevin