SI v22 Task Explorer Refresh Bug
Eric Kalpakoff
If this isn't already fixed in v23, when in the task explorer, if you apply a column filter in your layout, then click 'Refresh' to update the task statuses, the column filter clears. It should not do this unlesss you select 'Reset'
We have a custom field to indicate which team the task is for, field team or design team, and we filter the column to hide tasks. So clicking refresh to see how tasks are progressing and having to re-filter is not ideal.
Eric Kalpakoff
This is becomming more and more frustrating now that we are using the Gantt charts. Every time I need to re-sort my list of tasks, whether it's choosing to sort by column or just refreshing the the page it is clearing the column filters and it's wasting a TON of my time. This needs to be fixed. We need to be able add these filters to the custom layouts. Please fix this.